Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quick Update..

This is just a quick update in case I don't get to blogging for a few weeks. I started my new school year two weeks ago, and it is never fun in the beginning. Working for a new school district makes it even worse because you have to learn all the new software and policies and it can get kind of crazy. I think it will settle down by the end of the month and I will finally be in a rhythm. Just about then we will be moving into our new home and we are so excited to have more space again. Poor Bo will have a yard again to run around in (although much smaller than our yard in Utah), and Dane will be close enough to his cousins that he can see them more often (our community is right next to theirs). As soon as we get settled I will post some pics of our new home.

Dane has started a new montessori school and I think he is settling in to that, too. It was hard for him the first week, but it always is after being with mom and dad all summer long. It makes us really appreciate the times we have with him now. He is potty trained now and makes his dad proud when he calls him over to show him his "snake poo poo" (sorry for the visual). He is also keen to our "procedures" or discipline policies because he frequently reminds us of them when we do something bad (or he tells mom not to touch a pot because it's too hot).

That's about it for now...Please keep in touch with us...we will try hard in this really busy year we have started. Love to all...