Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dane's award

Dane got an award for "Exceptional Effort" for the month of September.  He was so excited!  His teacher, Mrs. Wills said he is so excited about school and always tries very hard.  I agree!  Every night he asks if he is going to school the next day...and he still asks to have hot lunch!  He gets it twice a week!
I volunteer in his classroom every other Friday and Mrs. Wills lets me do a 20 min PE activity with them.  It's really fun because I haven't done elementary school activities in a long long time.  It's also good experience to keep me in the game until I want to go back full time again.  Oh and I got talked into being co-room mom.  It will be fun, I guess.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dane and School

Dane has been in school for two weeks now and he LOVES it.  I had to explain to him that there is no school on the weekends because he wanted to go EVERY DAY!  He loves his teacher (so do I) and his one thing he always wants to do is get "hot lunch"!  Since the food at his school is not very healthy overall, I let him get it on Fridays.  Unfortunately, this past Friday I had to pick him up early because his mouth/teeth were hurting (he was up the night before complaining of some pain too), so he didn't get his hot lunch.  As soon as we left he was asking about going back to school to get his hot lunch.  Maybe the novelty of it will wear off soon.  So ... (on a Friday remember) I had to call all, insurance, figure out where to take him.  His dentist was out of town, so we went to the doc and he said he had a gum boil probably due to an infection in the tooth and should get to the dentist asap, but he started him on the antibiotics he needs now.  Hopefully it will not be a huge deal, but we will see next week.  At least he is not in pain anymore.

That same week that Dane started school, my cousin (Skyler) came home from his mission to England.  We went to his homecoming party at my Aunt's house and it was really good to see him again. Now he's already off to school at BYU.  Nothin' like jumping right back into life again....I'm sure he will adjust beautifully!   My grandma was there also and i always love spending time with her when I can.   Here are a couple of pics from that too.

Dropping of Dane....surprisingly neither of us cried.  He was excited and I was proud!

My handsome cousin, Skyler...two days off the mission!  Watch out ladies!

I love my grandma!  Such an inspiration to me!