Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Baby Blue again!

We found out yesterday we are having another boy! We both kinda had that instict it would be, but now we know for sure! It wasn't a great experience for me, though. The Ultrasound took forever because the baby was moving and not very cooperative... hopefully not an indication of the future :)! I don't know how experienced the tech was either??? The tech had me moving all around standing up, sitting down, lowering my head below my feet, and anthing to get the baby to move at the very end of our session. By this time (after about an hour), my back was starting to hurt. The tech went to get someone else to try to get the last two pictures they needed and the lady that came in was torture (nice lady, but all about business). She was pressing so hard to get the shots she needed (luckily the baby did turn), but by the end of it my insides felt like they were all twisted up and I had the worst pain in my side and back. I had to lay on the bed a little while longer when it was done until the pain went away, then I got up, got my pictures, and went home. The rest of the day I was all crampy and sore.....NOT FUN! Ultrasounds are supposed to be easy and short and sweet (my last one with Dane certainly was)! At least it is over now and we know it's a boy so we can plan for the next few months! I kept everything from when Dane was little, so luckily we have a lot of supplies and clothes already! Now it is just a waiting game for the next 4 months!


ash and jay said...

Yeah for boys! Congrats you guys.

Lana said...

Tera, I am so excited that you are having another boy! You already know you make great boys! I can't wait. It is super fun having two boys. They will love each other.
I am so sorry about your ultrasound. I had the same thing happen with Maddox and It turned into a very crazy day. I will tell you the story later. I feel for you! I bet you are glad it is over and that you know what you are having. What a fun time!

Kendria said...

If the tech wasn't very experienced, it might be a girl!? hahaha! Congrats... A little brother for Dane will be fun!

Heaton's said...

Congrats on one more boy, You look great!

CamKamFam said...

CONGRATS!!!! boys are the best. Cameron would say, Isaac is a "real man" haha! whatever....