Saturday, January 30, 2010

Update on the last month!

This is one of my favorite pics so little guy!

He is usually a pretty good baby...even tempered.

But what drives us crazy, is when he does this......

And when we take it away, he does this.......

Luckily he takes a binki, so we can put mittens on him to stop the thumb sucking and get him to only suck on the binki. I'd much rather take that away from him in a year or so then have to worry about the thumb thing. I'm sure both Kathy and Mom can vouch for the difficulty of stopping thumb sucking in older children because Ike and I both did it!

Jack is definitely evening out in the height/weight department (I'm not complaining). He was 95th percentile in both at his one month check up and now he is down to 75th for both. He is 12 lbs 7 oz and 23 in. long. I'm good with my back doesn't kill me after carrying him around for too long! He is such a good kid and I'm SO glad he is easy to calm down when he is crying. He is the LOUDEST talker you have ever heard...he practically screams and shouts what he is saying cute! Wish I could get it on camera...I always bring it out too late and then he just stares at it and stops performing. One day I will get a good video of it and post it. He has rolled over a few times since his miracle rollover at 3 weeks and he has really good head control and likes to sit up (assisted of course!) He also loves being outside, and I love the fact that I can take him out this time of year because of the climate we live it. It has been a pretty stormy winter so far, but we have still had some really nice days and he just calms down and looks around and takes it all in. He sleeps pretty well, averaging 5-6 hours at a time, and to my surprise he slep 8 hours two nights ago...WOW. Don't think that will be the norm, though.

Dane has been pretty good with him, although he has his "helping moments". Sometimes he likes to help and other times he wants nothing to do with it. He has been spending a lot of one on one time with Dad and I think he really likes it...they are actually going to see monster trucks tonight. The extra quiet time with just me and the baby is nice! He has been saying some really funny stuff lately, and other times not so funny. I guess I tell him he drives me crazy too much because he has been telling Ike and I that a lot lately. And last week when his cousin asked him to tell us a "Football story" (because he loves talking about football), Dane began his reply by saying..."Once upon a time..." Everyone started laughing and he didn't get to even tell his story!

Ike has been given the green light for the Gym expansion and is working on that this month, which should be done at the beginning of March. There will be an extra 1400 square feet...half of which will be a fitness room for classes and the other half will be added equipment space. We are really excited and the members are too! Ike has been doing a great job with running the gym and I'm really proud of how successful it is.

I'm REALLY enjoying staying home now (and I never thought I would be this content with it). Maybe it's because I'm actually staying really busy with two kids, keeping up a house (which I'm not very good at right now...gets dirty just too fast), and I'm really enjoying spending time with family and friends that I have here. I'm glad we have good people around makes life so much more enjoyable! I'm also back into working out regularly and that makes me feel really good because this pregnancy isn't as easy to get rid of than the first one. I'm training for a Relay race to help me is a 12 man team race from Santa Barbara to Dana Point (200 miles) and each person takes 3 legs of it ranging from 3-7 miles each. So, in a 24 hour period you run a total of about 15-20 miles but broken up (thank goodness, because I'm starting from scratch here and will need the breaks). It is at the end of April, so I'm hoping to be ready in will be a CRAZY 24 hours! I could be running in the middle of the night, never know!

Well, I hope the next few months go as smoothly as the first two for us! We absolutely LOVE being back in California and I can't wait for this summer when I can take both my boys to the BEACH! And i can enjoy it a little more too!


CamKamFam said...

it just gets better and better. plus you are a great mom so no sweat! he is so cute!! i miss that stage already....oh no!

Heaton's said...

He is so cute! Put a little sugar on his binkie and he'll like it better than his thumb.